Supply Chain Help During the Coronavirus Crisis
Recent global threats and interruptions in your Supply Chain may cause you to close your facilities and bring operations to a halt. Rather than making such an event completely unproductive, we believe you should consider this a great time and opportunity to:
Identify current specific problems/risks and action plans to resolve
Create a risk management plan
Complete a Business Excellence self-assessment
Perform critical root cause analysis on a nagging problem
Assess your Inventory levels now for the immediate future
Make sure you have adequate transportation coverage in place
Collect/Analyze data to prepare for a Sourcing Event
Contact your supply base to get updates on their risk management plans
Identify key metrics to track on-going risk to your business
Work on strategy
At Supply Chain Edge, we advocate each and every one of these topics as essential to running your business effectively. We are experts at helping companies put together plans and implementing the necessary actions. We urge you to take advantage of our knowledge and skills at a time when reacting to world events, as well as planning for the future, is more important now than ever. We can work remotely with you on any and all of these topics, making any potential down time productive and forward-looking.
Reach out to talk about getting started.